
All about Orgones 7 Piece Lemurian Orgonite Chakra Set...

Chakras are thought to be congregation points for channels of subtle energy (chi, prana, vital energy, life force, orgone) that flow through the human body.
Although this subtle etheric energy is non-physical, it is thought to interact with the physical body; being connected in some way to the endocrine system, emotional system, physical organs and overall state of conscious awareness.
It is also believed that chakras connect the auric layers of the soul to the physical body.

“Chakra” derives from the Sanskrit word Cakra, which translates as wheel, or spinning wheel. This is because the flow of energy into and out of the chakras is said to move in a spinning vortex-like spiral motion.
The front vortex of each chakra is said to be the feeling centre, and the back vortex is said to be the will centre.

There are 7 main chakras located centrally to the body along the spinal column; numbered from the first one at the base of the spine (Root chakra), up to the seventh one just above the top of the head (Crown chakra).
Each chakra has associations and interactions with different colours, glands, organs, emotions, scents, gemstones and sounds.

During normal balanced function, energy flows into and out of chakras in a steady manner. If the flow and vortex spin is too fast or too slow, it is indicative of unbalance, and certain physical, mental and emotional symptoms appear.
If energy does not flow into a chakra, an emotional block is said to occur, and if energy does not flow out of a chakra, a physical block is said to occur.

Chakras are constantly drawing in information from our surroundings, including the energy fields or auras of other people. Over thousands of years, across numerous different cultures, crystals and gemstones have been used to interact with chakras. Certain crystals and gemstones are thought to assist with healing, clearing and opening certain chakras.

There is one orgonite piece for each chakra in this seven piece orgonite chakra set. The assistance offered by each piece is due to the combination of the negative energy scavenging and positive energy emitting qualities of orgonite, with the enhancement and amplification of the inherent metaphysical properties possessed by specific gemstones renowned for being assisting to each specific chakra.

With the addition of crystals and gemstones thought to aid individual chakras, this orgonite set becomes a potent personal chakra aid, combining the benefits of orgonite with the amplified properties of gemstones associated with, and assisting to each chakra.

Gemstones included in each individual chakra piece are detailed below, along with the various properties and associations of each chakra in general.
It must be noted that chakra function, healing, clearing and opening are detailed and complicated subjects that involve diet and lifestyle in addition to meditation and crystal/gemstone work.
We must also stress that neither this information or our chakra sets are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent illness or disease, and are not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should consult with a doctor, physician, or other healthcare professional if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

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The 7th chakra – Crown chakra

The 6th chakra – Third eye chakra

The 5th chakra – Throat chakra

The 4th chakra – Heart chakra

The 3rd chakra – Solar plexus chakra

The 2nd chakra – Sacral chakra

The 1st chakra – Base/root chakra

INSTRUCTIONS: How to use this chakra set

At the heart of each piece of our 7 Piece Lemurian Orgonite Chakra Device Set is a double terminated Lemurian seed quartz crystal. Lemurian crystals are considered to be master crystals; associated with all chakras and astrological signs, and are able to communicate with other crystals.
Metaphysical legend indicates that the peaceful ancient Lemurian civilisation planted these unique crystals around 12 million years ago, for future generations to uncover.
Physically, Lemurian crystals have multiple bar-code like horizontal grooves, striations or stripes along one or more sides of the shaft. These are said to contain information, knowledge and wisdom programmed and embedded by the Lemurian civilisation.

Standard single terminated crystals focus and amplify energy in one direction, but naturally double terminated crystals are known to simultaneously absorb and transmit energy in both directions.
A single terminated crystal can send energy from one chakra to the next; double terminated crystals can exchange energy between chakras, clearing blockages and bringing greater balance and stability.
This bi-directional transfer of energy can introduce or enhance stability in all the subtle energy systems of the body, and is especially useful in balancing energies between two people.

100% pure, clean aluminium makes up the metal portion of each piece, with three small amethyst quartz crystal pieces, and three small rose quartz pieces complementing the Lemurian for the crystal portion.
Selenite is included in each of the pieces, to clear, charge, and enhance the properties of the other crystals and stones in each piece.
Also included in the matrix are 24-karat gold flakes. Gold is often referred to as the master healer, being able to clear negativity from chakras and energy fields of the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual bodies.
Gold is considered to have an energy which is cooperative, receptive and regenerative, and works very well with other gemstones, attracting and maintaining qualities from other stones, increasing their power, while providing a stabilising influence on them.

Each piece of this 7 piece chakra set comes presented in a black velvet jewellery bag.

Each piece is hand made, and takes at least 6 days to make. We try our very best to ensure they are as aesthetically pleasing as possible, but the nature of the processes involved means that air bubbles, small holes, or blemishes may possibly be present.
Any such physical imperfections have no effect on the function of the piece.

The orgonite pieces in this set are orgone processing material. They convert orgone from negative to positive, and are also thought to release positive orgone energy when stimulated by conventional forms of energy.

Materials, per piece

1x Double terminated Lemurian seed quartz crystal

3x Amethyst quartz crystal pieces

3x Rose quartz pieces

100% pure, clean aluminium

24-karat gold flakes

12 to 15x Round gemstones (as detailed in the individual chakra descriptions)

1x Selenite crystal piece

Please see the “Materials used” tab to the right for full details about each material.

Technical details, per piece

(width x length x height)
6.3cm x 6.3cm x 2.2cm
2½” x 2½” x ⅞” approximately

68ml / 2.3oz approximately

75g approximately

Plant growth
2 meter radius

Localised range
5 meter radius

Effective range
¼ mile

Orgone is an omnipresent invisible sea of subtle etheric energy that is usually found in higher concentrations within living tissue. It interacts with the physical environment, having an effect on magnetic, optical, thermal, electrical, metabolic and chemical properties to varying degrees.
The term was coined by Wilhem Reich in the 1930s, as a way to describe an energy that he was observing in laboratory experiments that did not obey the laws of electricity or magnetism.

Although Reich’s discovery and naming of orgone energy is relatively recent, concepts of similar invisible life force energy have been present for thousands of years, known as qi, ch'i/chi, khi, gi and ki in traditional Chinese/Qigong, Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese cultures respectively.

Similar concepts are known as prana, chi, pneuma, mana, lüng, manitou, ruah and vital energy in Hinduism/Indian culture, Igbo religion, ancient Greece, Hawaiian culture, Tibetan Buddhism, indigenous peoples of the Americas, Jewish culture and Western philosophy respectively.
Reich himself sometimes referred to orgone energy as “life energy”, and various other names for subtle energy include aether, odic force, reiki energy, bioenergy, bioetheric energy, biomagnetic energy, huna energy, animal magnetism, astral energy, 4th dimensional energy, and emotional body energy.

In terms of properties, through observation it is thought that orgone is polarised, mass free, affected by living things, able to penetrate and travel along all known materials at different speeds, and in constant motion. Orgone flows in the direction of magnetic fields, moves at right angles to electrical fields, travels relatively slowly (50 meters in 20 seconds), tends to flow upwards, radiates a great distance, follows optical laws, is present everywhere in variable concentrations, is affected by weather, and travels more efficiently and with less resistance through water and earth than it does through air.
It is thought that orgone fields can transmit information without transmitting energy, and that every physical object has a characteristic orgone field.

The metaphysical properties of precious/semi-precious stones, rocks, minerals and gemstones are enhanced when in the presence of orgonite. This is probably due to the intense positive energy that surrounds and flows through orgonite.

Two examples are the protective properties of amethyst quartz, and the loving properties of rose quartz, both included in every Orgones orgonite piece.
Gold is also said to enhance the properties of gemstones, and we include 24-karat gold flakes in every personal orgonite piece.
We have found that the grade, quality, positioning and arrangement of these additional materials within personal orgonite pieces can have an impact on the function.

The interaction of crystals and gemstones with humans can be difficult to prove, but studies have shown that human cells emit weak electromagnetic fields (biophotons) to communicate with each other, and that electromagnetic radiation from crystals affect these biophotons when stones are placed onto or near the body.

Nikola Tesla said of crystals: “In a crystal we have the clear evidence of the existence of a formative life-principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is none the less a living being.”

Crystals and gemstones have been used for thousands of years to heal and enhance physical, emotional and spiritual balance, including by Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Greeks, Ancient Chinese, Ancient Japanese, Romans, Hindu Vedas, Mayans, Aztecs, Incans, Tibetan Buddhists, various indigenous tribes, and even Neolithic man.
The specific uses included for spiritual protection, physical protection, spiritual healing and balance, physical healing, good health, burial/afterlife applications, talisman applications, enhancement of sexuality, attraction of love, third eye stimulation, balancing of yin and yang energies, divination, produce visions, enlightenment, and meditation.


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The information and products on this website involve subtle etheric energy and metaphysical properties of crystals and gemstones, and are for experimental, informational and educational purposes. These are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent illness or disease, and are not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should consult with a doctor, physician, or other healthcare professional if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. The statements on this website have not been evaluated or authorized by the United States Food and Drug Administration, or The American Medical Association, or any other medical or healthcare body.

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